This started out as a way for me to keep track of music that my brother and I listened to and enjoyed while we were growing up. There was music that we easily recalled, and other music where some things were a little vague. There was also some music we totally forgot about. So during the early onset of this blog, I would go through my vast musical library of songs, and anything that I wanted to share with my brother, I created a post. 

For the most part that was working well. It was one weekend when I was cleaning out my basement, which is filled with accumulated memories of my childhood such as toys and comics, I came across boxes and boxes containing  hundreds and hundreds of unmarked cassette tapes that I created from borrowed LPs, or I had recorded off the radio, or that friends made, etc...Well the years weren't kind to the contents of those boxes and most of the tapes were inaudible or damaged. Some looked like they could be repaired, some looked beyond repair.  I still have them and one day may repair what I can. 

For the tapes that I did listen to, there was music on there that took me back and triggered a some deep buried memory. WHAT AN AWESOME FEELING! There was also music that I had no idea who the band was or the name of the song. That just got me to thinking about all the music on all those tapes that I may never be able to hear again or the ability of getting that musical sensation of remembrance. 

So since music as well as various details about  the music is all over the internet I thought I will comprise a list of all albums(from genres I like) that were released between 1977-1981. I will go through that list and listen to what I can to see what triggered memories are out there. I started doing that, and I found songs that I nearly forgot about. I also started to discover songs and bands that I never heard of or never listened to their other releases. Some bands I heard of, but only knew there hits or never listened to their other releases. Some bands I completely dismissed because I didn't think they were worthy enough at the time or I wasn't into that kind of music. 

For each album that I like, I create a post of the album that I will share my thoughts on a particular song or two. If it's something I remember, it's labeled a Memory, and I will share a musical element that I recall, or perhaps a moment in my past that I think of. Anything else is Music I Discovered. If I didn't like it, you won't see it. Foreign, Live, Various Artist, Compilations, Best Of, or Greatest Hits albums will seldom be posted. There will be No Bootlegs, or interview albums. This is not an mp3 sharing site. I only share a link to the music so you can give it a listen. 

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